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Commentaire de njama

sur Hydroxychloroquine : La série statistique du Lancet ne prouve rien…

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njama njama 25 mai 2020 16:46

Possible coïncidence alors..., cependant je lis On devrait éviter d’utiliser PLAQUENIL durant la grossesse, et d’un autre côté : 

Toxicité Chloroquine-Azithromycin une crise de nerf française : étude sur 755 femmes enceintes

pdf article to download : Azithromycin plus chloroquine ; combination therapy for protection against malaria and STD infections in pregnancy

6. Conclusion
(...) « Azithromycin—chloroquine is a potential alternative to SP, having shown efficacy against P. falciparum among non-pregnant adults in sub-Saharan Africa, Colombia and India, even in the presence of parasite populations saturated with chloroquine-resistance markers. The combination may be safely administered any time in pregnancy and offers benefits of clear-ing several STI/RTI. Pharmacokinetic measurements in pregnancy suggest that dose adjustments may not be necessary for azithromycin but daily chloroquine dosing needs to be 600 mg for 3 days. » ...

7. Expert opinions
... « Nevertheless, because azithromycin—chloroquine is safe in all trimesters, healthcare providers may be less concerned about imprecise gestational estimates in pregnancy while administering this combination of drugs as IPTp. »

source : https://www.mediterranee-infection.com/toxicite-chloroquine-azithromycin-une-crise-de-nerf-francaiseetude-sur-755-femmes-enceintes/

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