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Commentaire de njama

sur Le papillomavirus touche près d'un tiers des hommes dans le monde

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njama njama 8 avril 2024 19:48

et le profil de la señora Eva Ramon Gallegos

« Eva Ramón Gallegos developed a method by which, in an economical and efficient way, the human papillomavirus could be detected in women. The technique has a precision of 98 percent and is based on the analysis of the roughness of the skin and the modifications that occur when there are benign, premalignant, and malignant lesions.[4] The results of the research were published in 2005 in the journal Physics in Medicine and Biology.[5] In 2017, Gallegos was part of a team that was determining the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy in eliminating HPV-16 and HPV-18.[6] »


et donc, la Thérapie Photodynamique une bonne piste pour soigner de nombreuses lésions cervicales…

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