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Commentaire de njama

sur Le papillomavirus touche près d'un tiers des hommes dans le monde

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njama njama 9 avril 2024 11:39

Ni les HPV, ni la sexualité ne sont condition nécessaire à l’émergence lésions cancéreuses, de cancers de l’utérus...

Lien de causalité ??? lequel alors ?

Je vous pose une colle Dr Kadhija Moiussayer smiley

Cervix adenocarcinoma in a virgin patient with negative human papillomavirus.
González-Ballano I, Aragón-Sanz MA, Guardia-Dodorico L, Pérez-Ezquerra BR.
Cervical cancer in virgin women is extremely rare. We present the case of a 36-year-old patient without any type of sexual contact with sensation of lump in external genitalia referring only irregular bleeding in the previous two months, finding in vaginal examination an indurated mass in vaginal introitus with result in the biopsy of adenosquamous adenocarcinoma. The evolution of the tumor was very aggressive in spite of trying palliative chemotherapy, and patient died two months after of diagnosis with lung, liver and brain metastases. Cervical human papillomavirus testing was negative. What unusual of these cases does not justify the cytology as the only method of screening for cervical cancer.


Cervical uterine cancer in a virgin young woman – Case report
I. Pestana, A. Costa, R. Gorgal, R. Mota, R. Portugal & V.Paiva

Cancer of the cervix in a virgin with intact hymen
A.F. Lash, Ph.D., M.D.a,b

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