Nous avons beaucoup entendu Madame Buzyn mettre en avant quelques cas de rougeole durant cette dernière décennie, pour tenter de justifier son projet d’extension des obligations vaccinales.
oui, mais, bon pourquoi la rougeole (measles en anglais), alors que le risque épidémiologique n’est pas du tout manifeste, et pourquoi 90 % de couverture vaccinale ... sur des enfants de moins de 15 mois ?
L’explication pourrait bien se trouver dans ce programme mondial (traduction en français ci-après)
Immunisation Action Package
GHSA Action Package Prevent-4
Five-Year Target : A functioning national vaccine delivery system—with nationwide reach, effective distributions, access for marginalized populations, adequate cold chain, and ongoing quality control—that is able to respond to new disease threats.
As Measured by : At least 90% coverage of the country’s fifteen-month-old population with at least one dose of measles-containing vaccine as demonstrated by coverage surveys or administrative data.
Desired National Impact : Effective protection through achievement and maintenance of immunization against measles and other epidemic-prone vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs). Measles immunization is emphasized here because it is widely recognized as a proxy indicator for overall immunization against VPDs. Countries will also identify and target immunization to populations at risk of other epidemic-prone VPDs of national importance (e.g., cholera, Japanese encephalitis, meningococcal disease, typhoid, and yellow fever). In the case of some diseases that are transferable from cattle to humans, such as anthrax and rabies, animal immunization should also be taken into account.
Country Commitments to Action Package :
Leading countries : Italy, Portugal
Contributing countries : Bangladesh, Cote d’Ivoire, India, Mongolia, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Contributing international organizations : FAO, OIE, WHO
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