Le récit (imaginaire) du Covid ? là no-no et p1000 vont disjoncter !
L’équipe allemande de Samuel Eckert et le Fonds Isolate Truth ont
promis une récompense de 1,5 million d’€uros (265.000 dollars) pour tout
scientifique capable de fournir des preuves incontestables que le virus
SRAS-CoV-2 a été isolé et donc existe. Ils ont également souligné
qu’aucun laboratoire dans le monde n’a encore réussi à isoler ce virus
(site en allemand et anglais)
All virologists, not just those pictured, have deceived themselves
and the public when they claim the existence of disease-causing viruses
such as SARS-CoV-2.Virologists inadvertently kill cells in test tubes,
believing that this is proof of the presence and isolation of a virus.
Only from fragments of dying cells do virologists mentally construct a
gene sequence and pass it off as fact. Therefore, the test procedures do
not offer any significance or meaning. Typical structures of dying
cells in the electron microscope are passed off as viruses. Such
structures could never be detected or recognized in a human being so
far !
Our goal
These misguided developments have distanced medicine far from the
reality and understanding of true health. We would like to contribute to
a comprehensive understanding of disease and health for all people.
We guarantee :
1,5 million € for a virologist who presents scientific proof of the
existence of a corona virus, including documented control attempts of
all steps taken in the proof.
You’re on !
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