A écouter également le Pr. Luc Montagnier dans cette interview, les médicaments et les vaccins antisida seraient, eux aussi, une histoire de gros sous.
Dialogue :
Montagnier : We can be exposed to HIV many times without being chronically infected… our immune system will get rid of the virus within a few weeks if you have a good immune system.
Brent Leung : If you have a good immune system then your body can naturally get rid of HIV ?
Montagnier : Yes.
Brent Leung : If you take a poor African who’s been infected and you build up her immune system is it also possible for them to also naturally get rid of it ?
Montagnier : I would think so… It’s important knowledge, which is completely neglected. People always think of drugs and vaccine.
Brent Leung : There’s no money in nutrition, right ?
Montagnier : There’s no profit, yes.
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