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Signaler un abus

Alinea 8 octobre 2013 20:31

Patricki, j’ai reçu ça, malheureusement les liens ne sont pas valides...
> HELLO EVERYONE :  TODAY and TOMORROW there are powerful events in New York and Boston with great experts focussing on Fukushima. Please attend if you can and let others know : http://www.nukefree.org/fukushima-lessons-nyc-tuesday-boston-wednesday-10-8-9   DR. HELEN CALDICOTT has appeared on my Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Show at the Progressive Radio Network. She was absolutely riveting. For a truly educational hour :  http://www.nukefree.org/dr-helen-caldicott-radiation-health-fukushima-chernobyl   WE HAVE PASSED THE 70,000 MARK on our petition. Please do keep spreading it around. It is having an amazing impact and will change the world !  http://www.nukefree.org/crisis-fukushima-4-demands-global-takeover-please-sign-our-petition   MORE THAN 6,300 HAVE VIEWED OUR FUKUSHIMA YOUTUBE :  http://www.nukefree.org/eon-films-world-action-now-fukushima   Tomorrow I will have an article on Prime Minister Abe’s request for global help at Fukushima. 
> Until then….we WILL heal our home….HarveyW 

