@chat maigre
Intéressant, merci. L’article illustre bien les problèmes de cohabitation(censures dans cet exemple) entre les scientifiques et les politiques(ici les progressistes).
A propos du mot “race”, ils admettent que nous devrions l’éviter et lui préférer “ethnicity” (groupe ethnique en Français il me semble).
Personnage intéressant ce Jerry Coyne, c’est un déterministe dur, ce qui le mène à certains raisonnements avec lesquels ni vous ni moi sommes d’accord, je crois. Par exemple :
Coyne is a hard determinist.[10] He came to believe in the idea of determinism after reading a paper by Anthony Cashmore on determinism and the criminal justice system. He states that recognising there is no free will makes one more empathetic and less judgmental : « A lot of politics—particularly Republican politics—is based on the supposition that people are responsible for their own lives. So, for example, people who are on welfare, or homeless people, are treated as if they could have done otherwise. They could have gotten a job, they could have gotten married and had a father for their kids. But they couldn’t, because they’re victims of circumstance. »[12]