Je te retournes la question Sylvio : que signifie cette mauvaise foi ?
1ère page : "The Sunday Times - Britain
June 09, 2002
MI6 warned US of Al-Qaeda attacks Nicholas Rufford MI6 warned the American intelligence services about a plot to hijack aircraft and crash them into buildings two years before the September 11 attacks.
Liaison staff at the American embassy in Grosvenor Square in London were passed a secret report by MI6 in 1999 after the intelligence service picked up indications from human intelligence sources (Humint) that Osama Bin Laden’s followers were planning attacks in which civilian aircraft could be used in “unconventional ways”.
Information did not specify targets and would not necessarily have enabled US agencies to prevent attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, intelligence sources said.
Details of the MI6 warning, expected to emerge during secret Congressional hearings this week in Washington into alleged intelligence failings, will increase pressure on the Bush administration for a radical shake-up of America’s counterterrorism efforts.
President George W Bush has already announced plans for a new “homeland defence department” with a £25 billion annual budget to combat terrorism. “We need to know when warnings were missed or signs unheeded - not to point the finger of blame, but to make sure we correct any problems,” he said last week.
MI6 had information as early as 1998 that Al-Qaeda was plotting fresh attacks. A series of warnings was passed to Washington, some concerning threats to American interests in Europe, including the US embassy in Paris. One message detailed heightened activity by suspected Al-Qaeda terror cells.
“The Americans knew of plans to use commercial aircraft in unconventional ways, possibly as flying bombs,” said a senior Foreign Office source.
A US government spokesman declined to comment. oPolice in London last week deployed for the first time on the British mainland new anti-suicide attack steps after Scotland Yard sent a delegation to meet security experts in Israel.
Israeli-style barriers consisting of articulated lorries loaded with concrete were placed across Waterloo bridge to prevent a would-be terrorist from driving into the state coach as the Queen travelled to a jubilee service at St Paul’s cathedral.
1ère remarque : article daté du 09 Juin 2002. Chez moi, le temps avance de façon croissante et donc le jour daté du 09 Juin 2002 est postérieur au jour daté du 11 Septempbre 2001.
2ème remarque : le 2nd paragraphe explique bien, pour ceux qui ne comprendraient pas l’ anglais, que ce dont les services britanniques ont prévenu les américains en 1999 est le fait que des avions seraient utilisés de façon non-conventionnelle, terme général qui implique aussi notamment il est vrai l’ utilisation d’ avions comme armes même si cette possible utilisation n’ est pas citée au 1er abord par l’ article qui pourtant cite l’ objet du rapport de mise en garde faite aux américains par les britanniques, ce qui logiquement me donne à penser qu’ aucune mention de cette possible utilisation n’ était faite dans le rapport.
3ème remarque : la réflexion du personnage du ministère des affaires étrangères britannique n’ est pas datée, ce qui donne à penser qu’ elle date de ce qui était le présent au moment de l’ article et donc de Juin 2002, et la déclaration ne précise pas si la réflexion comme quoi l’ utilisation non-conventionnelle des avions pourrait potentiellement être en tant qu’ arme est une réflexion faite par ce personnage au moment de l’ interview ou si cette réflexion est un rappel de l’ époque et des conséquences du rapport, ce qui serait étonnant vu que ce rapport cité plus haut dans l’ article ne précise pas cette possible utilisation. Il faut donc comprendre que le rapport de 1999 ne paralit que d’ une « utilisation non-conventionnelle » et que la réflexion sur la possiblité d’ unze utilisation en tant qu’ arme n’ est le fait que d’ une personne lors de son entrevue faite bien après l’ attentat et donc en pleine connaissance de celui-ci.
2ème page : article "Hints for months Experts talk about « Failure of the secret service »
MUNICH, 11 September [2001]. According to this newspaper, more than six months ago, western and near eastern news media received information and hints regarding planned attacks on “American and Israeli symbols, which stand out” by hijacked airplanes, not only in the United States.
According to the German secret service, the American, Israeli and apparently also the British secret services had adequate warnings. The American services had taken these warning seriously and increased the secret service measurements for the investigation. There have been disagreements, however, in regard to the method of defense against these kinds of attacks.
The technical secret service, National Security Agency (NSA), would have been after these hints for at least the past three months with the help of the so-called “Echelon” espionage systems—a worldwide network of 120 satellites, which monitors international data communications. Israeli services would also have had information about Arab terror groups planning to hijack airplanes in Europe to attack Israeli goals in Tel Aviv and other coastal cities. In the context of the arising fear of airplane hijacks, Israel had secretly implemented an X-ray machine—developed by one of Philips daughter companies—at the Tel Aviv airport, which in contrast to the conventional systems analyzes all the chemical elements and is the first airport security system that determines all known explosives, even if they are carried separately or exist sparely.
The German secret service now fears that in the next days terrorists would hijack airplanes in Europe and the Near East. According to the German information service : “There is no complete protection from the defense point of view against such terrorists.”
Richard Tomlinson, one of the former employees of the British foreign secret service MI6, said to this newspaper, he could not imagine that the secret services would not have had any hints and tips about a planned attack. “If they calculate only two terrorists for each crashed airplane there should be a bigger organization, which has planned it. This should have been noticed by the secret services.” Thomson talked about an “obvious total failure of the secret services”.
1ère et dernière remarque : l’ article ne parle que d’ une menace de détournement d’ avions et aucunement de l’ utilisation de ceux-ci en tant qu’ armes.
Je profiterais encore de l’ occasion que tu m’ as donné Sylvio pour te poser cette question : Que signifie donc cette muvaise foi ?
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