"The predecessor of this report on early language-learning across the European Union
(Blondin, et al., 1998) was focused exclusively on published research. The new report
presents three perspectives : that of research, of ‘good practice’ and of the underlying
In their attempts to gather reliable and validated empirical data, Blondin et al. (1998) noted
how few research projects there were in this field, and how little they varied, whether they
focused on the results of pre-secondary education or on the factors that might influence
these results.
"As with Blondin et al. (1998), the main gains in early languages learning lie in the
development of positive attitudes and motivation. At the same time though, research
published since then adds some important detail to the picture. None of the research
which has been surveyed should be considered as demonstrating universal proofs
which lead directly to particular desirable practices.(...)
There is no research evidence to suggest that early languages-learning could
possibly achieve success at a general level across the European Union or across
any member state without substantial support through pre-service teacher
education and the continuing professional development of teachers, and through
national and transnational structures and initiatives.