Forest ;
Je pense que tu fais un vrai déni français de réalité et je comprends tes craintes.
Cependant, les Américains n’ont pas ces réticences via le CRA qui a incité avec l’aval de la FED l’octroi de prêts aux ménages insolvables et la possibilité de titriser les prêts au monde entiere.
Je te conseille de naviguer quelques instants sur le site où on explique comment avoir un prêt même si on n’est pas éligible (discrimination !!) et qui met en oeuvre le CRA.
Tu y verras des choses impensables pour nous Français.
Entre autres, tu verras les résultats du census de 2000, par exemple pour l’Alabama :
et sur la distribution ethnique, ville par ville, quartier par quartier, rue par rue pour indiquer là où il fallait prêter :
Alabama :
Population : 4447100
Housing Units : 1963711
DISABLED : 900196
WHITE : 612820
BLACK : 263368
AIANA (American Indian and Alaska Native Alone) : 5555
ASIAN Native : 4025
NHOPI (Native Hawaiian and Other PAcific Islander Alone) : 167
OTHER RACE : 14261
HISPANIC : 11286
NHISPANIC : 888910
Tu as aussi :
The Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits lenders from discriminating against credit applicants in any aspect of a credit transaction on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, whether all or part of the applicant’s income comes from a public assistance program, or whether the applicant has in good faith exercised a right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act.
The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in residential real estate transactions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.
Tu as aussi : »the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) » la Halde de l’Immobilier où tu peux porter plainte on line si tu estimes que tu as été discriminé du point de vue des crédits immobiliers :
Enter complaint information.
HUD Form 903 Online Complaint
1)What happened to you ? How were you discriminated against ? For example : were you
refused an opportunity to rent or buy housing ? Denied a loan ? Told that housing was not
available when in fact it was ? Treated differently from others seeking housing ? State briefly
what happened.
2) Why do you believe you are being discriminated against ?
It is a violation of the law to deny you your housing rights for any of the following factors :
- race - color - religion - sex - national origin - familial status (families with children under
18) - disability.
For example : were you denied housing because of your race ? Were you denied a mortgage
loan because of your religion ? Or turned down for an apartment because you have
children ? Were you harassed because you assisted someone in obtaining their fair housing
rights ? Briefly explain why you think your housing rights were denied because of any the
factors listed above.
3) Who do you believe discriminated against you ? Was it a landlord, owner, bank, real
estate agent, broker, company, or organization ?
Tu peux aussi porter plainte contre ton propriétaire pour discrimination : Bad Landlords in Federal Housing Complaints
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