On en est à quoi, 60-70 articles peer-reviewed qui ne voient de démolition controllée dans la chute du WTC
« toutes été invalidées par des analyses de truthers »
Mais oui, et les articles sur la théorie de l’évolution ont tous été invalidé par les créationnistes
"Des tas de chercheurs qui dérangent n’ont jamais été publiés dans une revue dite scientifique, parce que les comités de lecture respectent les dogmes de la science et les interdits de la société.«
Mais oui, mais oui. Vous allez vous plaire au Texas. Petit florilège
»I agree with Stein. Every natural history museum, every university bio
department and every peer-reviewed science journal in the entire world
is taking part in a vast conspiracy against the truth.«
» When dealing with some evolutionist fanatics, especially the strongly
anti-Christian faction, you are expected to prove every assertion, no
matter how obvious, while they sit back watch. If you tell them the sun
rises in the east, they ask for a specific scientific, peer-reviewed,
published article, with a list of the writer’s credentials. Then they
make some sneering comment referring to your belief in a flat Earth.«
»Which of course shows the dishonesty of « peer-reviewed » journals in that
they ban any open discussion on ID. I can assure you there are lots of
people who would write the articals but they can not get them published.«
»OK, I’ll address your claims about the lack of peer reviewed scientific
papers supporting creationist claims and I’m sure you know this well(but
won’t admit it) : PREJUDICE, plain and simple. And it is as ugly and
hateful as the racial prejudice that led to the Jewish holaocaust
perpetrated by Hitler (a pond scum himself)(several anti-Christian,
evolutionist, atheist blogs as case-in-point). The so-called referees
and peer reviewers have an emotional/psychological adherence to the
prevailing paradigm. Anything challenging that will be rejected out of
hand, no matter its’ merits.«
»Peer review is a form of censorship, which is tyranny over the mind.
Censorship does not purify ; it corrupts.«
»Ok, black arachnid. My response would be to check the peer review
process itself. Being biased towards creationism has effectively nothing
to do with peer review really, as national geographic and scientific
american have been running blatantly pro-evolution, anti-creation
content for some time now. This is why creationists have published their
findings in their own journals, respectively.«
»ya but if you get expelled for even questioning Darwin’s theories, the
peer review is the expellerss trap ! where is the objective reasoning in
science now a days, i think Bill O’Reilly is right you guys are secular
pin heads.«
»Whenever a theory such as irreducible complexity is brought forth that
might lend credence to the argument that you all so despise–the very
NOTION of the existence of God–then research is done with the goal in
mind (implicit or explicit) of finding an explanation that fits within
evolutionary theory. Peer review rules out the possibility of even
considering any outside-the-box thinking. Toe the pseudoscientific
philosophical line or be ridiculed and marginalized.«
Remplacez »théorie de l’évolution" par VO. Oh ! Mais quelle ressemblance frappante (en fait je dirais même troublante) avec vos arguments contre le peer-review. 30 ans de combats contre le créationnisme ont pulvérisé ce type d’argument. Vous n’avez pas l’ombre d’une chance.
Amusez-vous bien avec vos nouveaux amis.
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