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Commentaire de Phaeton

sur 25 mai 2013, 73ème anniversaire de l'opération « Dynamo » : Churchill prend la barre à Hitler !

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Phaeton 15 mai 2013 10:19


Je ne dis pas qu’il ne faut pas du tout s’intéresser aus flux financiers, mais d’expérience je sais que cette thèse est utilisée par les défenseurs du régime nazi pour dire des juifs : ils l’ont bien cherché.

Je ne vous accuse de rien, mais votre évocation de Mullins, n’est pas pour me rassurer, car d’historien de la banque(^^) il serait en fait plutôt un théoricien du complot dans lesquels les juifs sont très souvent au premier plan.

Pamphlet en anglais d’Eustace Mullins à propos d’hitler :

Eventually America must admit her debt to Adolf Hitler for it was Hitler who first calledupon all Aryan people to unite and challenge Jewish economic and political power. It wasHitler who first enunciated the doctrine of national self-determination and led the armiesof Christian Europe in a great crusade against the godless Jews of the Kremlin. Hitler,like Christ before him, was crucified on a Cross of Gold through the duplicity of his ownChristian people.

America will never forget that the Jewish International bankers, together with Franklin D.
Roosevelt, their tool, led us into World War II. Why ? Because Hitler drove the economicleeches of the Rothschild and Warburg families out of Germany. The Jewish “refugees”poured into America and enlisted us as cannon fodder and errand boys in Europe. Hitlerwarned America in 1945, that we would have to face the ultimate battle against theJewish
 Frankenstein Monster of Communism alone. America had helped created themonster, now it would destroy her.

It is no longer a question of defending America’s independence. It is a question of 
defending the remainder of Western Civilization from the colored hordes of Asia andAfrica led by Jewish Communism toward the ultimate goal of Jewish World Domination.The Jew plays for high stakes ; world domination or the extermination of their race.


Eventually America must admit her debt to Adolf Hitler for it was Hitler who first calledupon all Aryan people to unite and challenge Jewish economic and political power. It wasHitler who first enunciated the doctrine of national self-determination and led the armiesof Christian Europe in a great crusade against the godless Jews of the Kremlin. Hitler,like Christ before him, was crucified on a Cross of Gold through the duplicity of his ownChristian people


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