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Commentaire de njama

sur Quel rapport entre la religion et la vision américaine du monde ? (2)

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njama njama 16 novembre 2013 23:51

Vu de Turquie ... par Cagri Erhan, Department of International Relations Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey

« Ottoman Official Attitudes Towards American Missionaries »

The history of Turkish-American relations go back to the 1790s when American sailors met with Turks in North Africa ...

Soon after they reached the Ottoman land in 1821, Parsons * died. But Fisk ** continued his mission. He visited Beirut, Tripoli, Baalbek, Jaffa, Jerusalem, Hebron , Alexandretta and Latakia, collecting information on Turks, Arabs, Kurds, Druzes, Maronites, Greeks and Armenians. He was able to convert some Armenians ...

Forty-one missionaries were sent to the Ottoman Empire in 1836. Between 1836-1844, 54 new missionaries were appointed to posts in the Levant.[8] This number reached 137 in 1875, 177 in 1890 and 209 in 1913.[9]

At the beginning, the relations between the Sublime Porte and the missionaries were peaceful.


* Boston University School of Theology
History of Missiology
Parsons, Levi (1792-1822)
American missionary to the Near East

** idem > Fisk, Pliny (1792-1825)
Pioneer of the Near East mission of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM)

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