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Commentaire de njama

sur Tsarnaev et Charlie Hebdo, une corrélation ?

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njama njama 18 mai 2015 12:17

Le procès Tsarnaev, une parodie de justice !

The Boston Marathon Show Trial
Paul Craig Roberts
April 11, 2015
Alleged Boston Marathon bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was convicted not on the basis of any evidence but by a jury intimidated by Tsarnaev’s prior conviction in the media by statements made by authorities precisely for the purpose of preventing a trial based on evidence. The jurors knew that the failure to convict would make them pariahs among their brainwashed families, friends, and communities. In former times when the US had the rule of law, the irresponsible statements by public officials repeated endlessly in the media would have likely resulted in the court dismissing the case on the grounds that public authorities had made a fair trial impossible.

Tsarnaev’s attorney knew that evidence would play no role in the case and focused on trying to save Dzhokhar from a death sentence by blaming the older brother who was killed by police. Perhaps Dzhokhar’s attorney remembered what happened to attorney Lynne Stewart who was sentenced to prison for representing a client for whom the government only wanted a pro forma representation.

West Point graduate and former US Army officer Joachim Hagopian * describes the orchestration and avoidance of evidence that delivered the mandatory conviction :

* Boston Marathon Bombings’ Guilty Verdict Exposed as a Gross Travesty of Justice
By Joachim Hagopian
Global Research, May 14, 2015
12 April 2015

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