Merci pour ce témoignage
J’avais opté pour l’Afrique du Nord, et un peu après pour le Moyen-orient, mais j’ai quelques amis qui étaient partis dans ces années-là vers l’Inde avec peu d’argent en poche, ça commençait par le Magic Bus * qui faisait Amsterdam-Istanbul puis après ils continuaient depuis la Turquie suivant les opportunités en bus, stop, train ... Irak, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Inde et Népal pour certains. Tous ces pays pouvaient être traversés sans inquiétude au prix du simple respect de leurs codes ... l’avion était hors de prix à l’époque, et puis la guerre de 79 (fomentée par les US comme l’avouait ouvertement Brzezinski un peu plus tard en janvier 1998) est venue rendre dangereux cette route pour « clochards célestes » comme aurait dit Jack Kerouac ...
* The Magic Bus was an alternative bus service for travelers on the cheap. From the 1960s to the early 1980s, the buses roamed all over Europe, did the overland route from Istanbul through Afghanistan and on to India and Nepal, and also made North Africa stops in Morocco and Egypt. It was definitely alternative travelling. Passengers would light candles and incense in the aisles at night and play guitars and flutes to pass the miles away. Young mothers would string up their babies from the ceiling in Mayan hammocks or Indian shawls and let the road motion rock their infants to sleep. On our bus, there was a Brit who we called Magic Steve. He would arrange things. Whenever we approached a border Steve would come down the aisle calling for all illegal substances to be deposited in a large bag that he carried. At the border control, Magic Steve would suddenly disappear while all the passengers had their passports checked. These were the days before the European Union so every country had their own border stations and currency. Once the customs officials did their repeated stamping, the bus would be humming away again. Five miles down the road, Magic Steve would return passports to everyone along with any personal items collected before the border.