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Commentaire de njama

sur Gardasil, foi, propagande ou argumentation scientifique, il faut choisir !

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njama njama 8 mars 2019 09:55

Peut-être prenez-vous Eva Ramón Gallegos pour une imbécile au point qu’elle aurait laissé publier n’importe quoi sur ses résultats (?)

« Eva Ramón Gallegosis a Mexican scientist, professor and researcher at the Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional,[1] her field of specialty is in biomedical sciences and nanobiotechnology. Her main line of research is the search for non-invasive treatments for the eradication of the uterine cervical cancer produced by the human papilloma virus (HPV), using photodynamic therapies.[2][3] »

 « Together with the researcher Elizabeth Maldonado, and after 20 years of research, Eva Ramón Gallegos developed a method by which, in an economical and efficient way, the human papillomavirus could be detected in women. The technique has a precision of 98 percent and is based on the analysis of the roughness of the skin and the modifications that occur when there are benign, premalignant, and malignant lesions.[4] The results of the research were published in 2005 in the journal Physics in Medicine and Biology.[5] »

Voilà qui fait bien plus avancer la science sur le sujet et mériterait une large communication plutôt que de s’en remettre à un vaccin dont l’efficacité est toujours hypothétique...

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