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Commentaire de morice

sur Et si l'Iran avait la bombe (mais pas celle attendue) ?

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morice morice 14 mars 2009 13:28

" la Corée du Nord"

on s’achemine vers de l’intox en fait : un gros pétard oui, Pluto...

September 12, 2004 Huge Blast in North Korea Not a ’Nuclear Event,’ Powell Says
ASHINGTON, Sept. 12 — Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said today that a huge explosion that took place Thursday on North Korea’s border with China was likely "not any kind of nuclear event," but he said Washington was "monitoring" the country closely to see if a sudden burst of activity indicated the country was attempting to test a nuclear weapon for the first time.

vérifiez vos sources avant de médire, donc.
en 2006 même topo

The 2006 North Korean nuclear test was thedetonation of a nuclear device conducted on October 9, 2006 by North Korea.

North Korea announced its intention to conduct a test on October 3, six days prior, and in doing so became the first nation to give warning of its first nuclear test.[1] The blast is estimated to have had an explosive force of less than one kiloton, and some radioactive output was detected.[2][3] United States officials suggested the device may have been a nuclear explosive that misfired.[2]

on ne sait toujours pas si il y en a vraiment une qui a VRAIMENTsauté

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