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demissionaire bonalors 20 novembre 2016 09:20

 it seems he has balls-X in bed let see when it comes to politic,
He has the perfect vision for the word, meaning US taking care of his country only, and as always should trace the way for new technology, since they are very good at stealing any brains over the world,

But then stealing brains over the world means other places are not good to live in, for brilliant people
Since US cannot compare in term of history, culture and the beauty of Europe when it comes to cities, country side and monument so ...
Hence, stealing resources abroad and exporting US debt is part of the story, and every thing is about power of nuisance which means influence, and taking control ...

So let see how far the guy is ready to go, I would have prefer a guy which is a culture lover instead of only a woman lover, but still a strong guy and visionary ...

Since as a matter of fact, during the last 40 years, US is in war against Europe,
So vision is really to understand that only Europe, since sitting in the middle of the battle field, should be strong enough to act as a mediator, hence avoiding the 3rd world war, here to come. Only De Gaulle and Churchill did understand that

Maintenant en Europe, toute la faune politique et médiatique sont des lavettes et vendus,

So as a matter of fact accomplishing this vision is really up to us, not US, which is a big confusion I see there in the mind of all my Agoravox fellows ...
Hey Guys wake up, only you can help yourself, if not, one morning you will wake-up completely irradiated without knowing why, how, who, damned ..
Traduit en Francais ça donne - ça fait 40 ans que l’on se fait trouer le cul, car le trou originel n’est pas au bon endroit, et avec Trump ça ne va pas s arrêter tout seul

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