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sur 1,6 milliard € pour la Grande Mosquée d'Alger, 25% de la population sous le seuil de pauvreté

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(---.---.39.224) 12 avril 2007 02:36

Sensational export success for Stadler Rail : 64 FLIRTs for suburban rail trains in Algiers

On March 18, 2006, the Algerian federal railway (SNTF) declared Stadler Buss-nang AG as the winner of the international tender for the delivery of 64 electrical suburban trains for Algiers. The SNTF will procure 64 4-part FLIRT railcars (Fast Light Innovative Regional Turbo-train), an order worth approximately 600 million Swiss Francs. Delivery will begin at the second half of 2008 and will go until the end of 2010.

The Algerian federal railway (SNTF) published an international tender for the procurement of 64 electrical suburban trains for Algiers in the summer of 2005. Last Saturday, it was announced that Stadler was able to win this tender. With this, the FLIRT vehicle design Stadler offers was able to prevail once again on the international market against heavy competition. Since 2002, Stadler has already been able to sell 244 FLIRTs in Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, and now, even in Algeria. Peter Jenelten, Executive Vice President of Marketing and Sales of the Stadler Rail Group : “This order is the biggest single order that we’ve ever been able to win, and demonstrates the international competitiveness of the Stadler Rail Group. We have always centred our products on the demands of rail operators and passengers. The design and modularity of the FLIRT prove that we have actually met the market demands of the modern suburban railway traffic. The contract with the SNTF should take effect by the middle of the year. The order for the 64 FLIRTS is worth approximately 600 million Swiss Francs.


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